Two Weeks in Little Tokyo Two!
As part of my business development strategy for Start with Tinni, I wanted to get membership of a co-working space. I thought it would be an excellent way to have space away from my home where I could focus better and meet clients. I also wanted the opportunity to offer my services to the community of the co-working space and get some clients that way. I took a tour of all the major players, but in the end, I felt that Little Tokyo Two offered just a bit more for a comparable price.
I look their Starting Stage Plan, which includes monthly business workshops, advisory services, frameworks and accountability. I think I can benefit a lot from something more structured, and in the end, that’s what sealed the deal!
Technically, my membership started 1st of January, but since the staff wasn’t back until the 7th, I waited until then to pick up my key card. I used the space for the first time on the 10th catch-up with Nigel, on Your Happy Place business. I had my first meeting with Jock Fairweather, the founder of Little Tokyo Two, on Monday. I’ll be back there next week, and I hope to work at least 2-3 from The Capital!